We encourage the use of public transportation or bicycles when possible.
Important Parking Updates
We appreciate your participation in the Pittsburgh Recovery Walk and apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause. To accommodate the needs of the lot owners who generously donate the venue, we’ve had to adjust the parking procedures this year.
- The Recovery Walk lot is only for loading, unloading, and parking for those with mobility issues.
- All other attendees, including Resource Fair participants, speakers, guests, and vendors, must park in nearby lots or on the street.
- Hourly or flat-rate parking is available in lots directly adjacent to the event.
- On-street metered parking is also available on some nearby streets.
Flat-Rate Parking (Recommended):
- 13th & Waterfront Place Lot (past Hampton Inn, entrance on Waterfront Place near 13th Street) – $5, CASH or CREDIT CARD.
Hourly Parking:
- 11th & Smallman Lot (across Waterfront Place) – $5 for 0-4 hours, $8 for 4-6 hours, CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ONLY.